MEMBERS ONLYThe range is open to members and immediate family under the age of 18 only. Please do not be offended if someone asks to see your membership. We recommend you carry your membership card to the range.
Range ClosuresWhen the RANGE CLOSED signs are posted, the range is CLOSED! It is the members responsibility to check the website CALENDAR for range closures. (Range closures are not common; however it is closed for certain club events and training)
All Federal, State, Local, and NRA firearm laws and safety rules must be obeyed at all times.
Hours are from 8 am to Sunset
Lock the gate behind you both when entering and when leaving. Verify the padlock did stay locked.
Treat firearms as if they are loaded and pointed in a safe direction.
Shooters are responsible for their rounds staying within the confines of this range. It is the members responsibility to be sure the range, backstop and beyond are clear of others and maintain that awareness throughout their session.
Shooters may shoot only from the designated areas in the direction of their stationed target. No Cross Range shooting.
All firing must be aimed fire.
Place targets on backer NOT on the posts
Shoot into the backstop area provided
No one will be permitted on the range if they are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating substances.
Shooters under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult or legal guardian at all times.
Clean up after yourself. Pick up spent cases and other trash and place into the trash receptacles.
Be courteous to others using the range: please limit range time to one-hour if other members are waiting.
Please report issues to the club officers or board members.
Remember, this is YOUR club and the range use is a privilege of being a MEMBER. Failure to abide by these rules will result in revoked membership.